South African Nobel Peace Prize Winners – Smile 90.4 FM
South Africa has such a diverse culture.
There are so many differences between us – languages (11 official languages), race groups, various religions and numerous cultures – and that is how we became known as the rainbow nation.
What makes South Africa so awesome is the way in which we have become an example to the rest of the word. We have shown that it is possible to live together in one country, yet still retain our own cultures. It is the most wonderful thing to see the way in which South Africans put our differences aside and pull together.
There is so much unrest in the Middle East at the moment. An article on the front page of the Cape Times was a particularly touching one demonstrating how South Africans have once again shown the true meaning of Democracy.
The headline on the front page of the Cape Times read “Muslim, Jewish pupils form society promoting tolerance and education”. The article was about “pupils from two city schools, one Jewish and the other Muslim, who have come together to form an after-hours organisation promoting religious education and tolerance”. The article goes on to say the group is “expanding exponentially” as pupils from other schools seek to join it. They plan to meet for discussions twice a term and are making arrangements to visit a church, mosque, synagogue, temple and other places of worship.
Past leaders in our country have demonstrated how to show tolerance and respect for each other in the past: Ghandi; Mandela; Tutu – they would all be proud of the actions of these youth. Everybody knows what Nelson Mandela did for peace and democracy in our country – however we actually have Four South African Nobel peace prize recipients.
- Albert Luthuli – in 1960 for His role in the non-violent struggle against apartheid
- Desmond Tutu – in 1984 for his work against apartheid
- FW de Klerk – In 1993 for his efforts to reform South Africa
- Nelson Mandela – In 1993 for his efforts to dismantle apartheid
We have a strong legacy of leaders of peace makers throughout our history, In addition to these four Nobel peace prize recipients, we have so many other icons who have driven peaceful change in our country. For example
- OR Tambo who said: We have a vision of South Africa in which black and white shall live and work together as equals in conditions of peace and prosperity.
- Helen Suzman who said: I hate bullies. I stand for simple justice, equal opportunity and human rights.
- Walter Sisulu who said: The fundamental principle in our struggle is equal rights for all in our country, and that all people who have made South Africa their home, by birth or adoption, irrespective of colour or creed, are entitled to these rights.
- Mahatma Ghandi who said” A nation’s culture resides in the hearts and in the soul of its people.
- Desmond Tutu said: Do your little bit of good where you are; it’s those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world.
That’s what these Cape Pupils have done, and what each of us need to do – a little bit of good which put together will overwhelm the world.
Today, we celebrate the awesome South Africans that do little bits of good each day.
This post was shared by Derryn Campbell from Awesome South Africa on the SMILE 90.4fm Thursday breakfast show with Bobby Brown and Tracey Lange. For more weekly Awesome discussion tune into SMILE 90.4 fm every Thursday morning at 7.10am. or click on the following link to listen via live streaming.
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